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Why do people love chess so much? Well, chess requires that players have a combination of skill and smarts. It can take years to become an accomplished chess player, and many players enjoy the journey of going from novice to expert. Chess is played by two opposing players, on a square checkered board with 64 squares. Each player starts the game with sixteen white or black game pieces. These pieces are of six types and consist of a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. Each piece type moves and captures other pieces on the board in a particular way. The game's object is to checkmate the other player's king, by forcing it into a position where it cannot avoid capture. You can find chess game rules and board setup information at Learn to Play Chess. Today's chess sets come in a variety of materials, from basic plastic and cardboard sets for beginners to beautiful, intricately carved marble sets. Chess sets can also be made out of a variety of woods, metals, and glass. While black and white are the traditional colors for the pieces, sets with other colors are now available. Chess is becoming so mainstream that themed chess sets are even available for people with various hobbies and interests! There are many articles about the history of chess on this web link. Chess sets make attractive game table accessories and are popular gifts for chess players. On, you will find several chess set suppliers, including new and used chess sets at eBay, as well as chess tournament information and player resources. Chess Game and Chess Set Suppliers
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